status of the winmo automated tests project

I have been posting about this project for a while, so I figured I should give an update. Currently patches are landing and we are starting to get the final set of patches ready for review.

  • Talos: This was the first part of this project and we have checked in 3 of the 4 patches to get Talos TS running. There is 1 patch remaining which I need to upload for review
  • Mochitest: There are 4 patches required for this to work:
    1. Fix tests to not use hardcoded localhost – early review stages
    2. Add CLI options to mochitest for remote webserver – I need to cleanup my patch for review, at the end game
    3. Add to the source tree – review started, waiting on sutagent.exe to resolve a few minor bugs
    4. Add to the source tree – review process started, waiting on other patches

    Good news is all 4 patches are at the review stage

  • Reftest: This requires 4 patches (1 is from mochitest)
    1. Modify reftest.jar to support http url for manifest and test files – up for review
    2. Refactor – up for review
    3. Add to source tree – needs work before review, but WIP posted

    Keep in mind here we are still blocked on registering the reftest extension. I also have instructions for how to setup and run this.

  • Xpcshell: this requires 3 patches (1 is device manager) and is still in WIP stages. There are two pieces to this that we still need to resolve: copying over the xpcshell data to the device and setting up a webserver to serve pages. Here are the two patches to date:
    1. Refactor to support subclass for winmo – WIP patch posted, close to review stage
    2. Add to source tree – WIP patch posted

    I have written some instructions on how to run xpcshell tests on winmo if you are interested.

Stay tuned for updates when we start getting these patches landed and resolving some of our device selection/setup process.


Filed under testdev

4 responses to “status of the winmo automated tests project

  1. ahdesai

    Sweet! This was super helpful to me, Joel. Thanks for blogging about this.

  2. Joel,

    You rock. This is a great write-up thanks.

  3. Pingback: updated status of the winmo automation project « 3.1415926535897932384626433…

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