Tag Archives: fennec

Android automation is becoming more stable ~7% failure rate

At Mozilla we have made our unit testing on android devices to be as important as desktop testing. Earlier today I was asked how do we measure this and what is our definition of success. The obvious answer is no failures except for code that breaks a test, but reality is something where we allow for random failures and infrastructure failures. Our current goal is 5%

So what are these acceptable failures and what does 5% really mean. Failures can happen when we have tests which fail randomly, usually poorly written tests or tests which have been written a long time ago and hacked to work in todays environment. This doesn’t mean any test that fails is a problem, it could be a previous test that changes a Firefox preference on accident. For Android testing, this currently means the browser failed to launch and load the test webpage properly or it crashed in the middle of the test. Other failures are the device losing connectivity, our host machine having hiccups, the network going down, sdcard failures, and many other problems. With our current state of testing this mostly falls into the category of losing connectivity to the device. For infrastructure problems they are indicated as Red or Purple and for test related problems they are Orange.

I took at a look at the last 10 runs on mozilla-central (where we build Firefox nightlies from) and built this little graph:

Firefox Android Failures

Firefox Android Failures

Here you can see that our tests are causing 6.67% of the failures and 12.33% of the time we can expect a failure on Android.

We have another branch called mozilla-inbound (we merge this into mozilla-central regularly) where most of the latest changes get checked in.  I did the same thing here:

mozilla-inbound Android Failures

mozilla-inbound Android Failures

Here you can see that our tests are causing 7.77% of the failures and 9.89% of the time we can expect a failure on Android.

This is only a small sample of the tests, but it should give you a good idea of where we are.


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Automation found its first regression for Fennec!

Yesterday I noticed our Mochitest-1 test was orange (since Nov 17th…still need to train others to watch the results), so I spent a few minutes looking into it and it turned out to be a regression (which was promptly fixed by the mobile guys!)  I know automation has uncovered errors in the past, but this is the first time we have had automation that was truly green for a week (we just turned it on) and then turned orange as the result of a unfriendly patch.


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Filed under qa, testdev

Talos, Remote Testing and Android

Last week I posted about mochikit.jar and what was done to enable testing on remote systems (specifically Android) for mochitest chrome style tests.  This post will discuss the work done to Talos for remote testing on Android.  I have been working with bear in release engineering a lot to flush out and bugs.  Now we are really close to turning this stuff on for the public facing tinderbox builds.

Talos + Remote Testing:

Last year, I had adding all the remote testing bits into Talos for windows mobile.  Luckily this time around I just had to clean up a few odds and ends (adding support for IPC).  Talos is setup to access a webserver and communicate with a SUTAgent (when you setup your .config file properly.)  This means you can have a static webserver on your desktop or the network and run talos from any SUTagent and a host machine.

Talos + Android:

This is a harder challenge to resolve than remote testing.  Android does not support redirecting to stdout which talos required.  For talos and all related tests (fennecmark, pageloader) we need to write to a log file from the test itself.

Run it for yourself:

Those are the core changes that needed to be made.  Here are some instructions for running it on your own:

hg clone http://hg.mozilla.org/build/talos

ln -s talos/ /var/www/talos #create a link on http://localhost/talos to the hg clone

python remotePerfConfigurator.py -v -e org.mozilla.fennec -t `hostname` -b mobile-browser –activeTests ts:tgfx –sampleConfig remote.config –browserWait 60 –noChrome –output test.config –remoteDevice –webServer

python run_tests.py test.config

* NOTE: is the address of my android device (SUTAgent), and is my webserver on my desktop

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tests that require privileged access

I have been working on a project to get mochitests running on a build of Fennec + electrolysis.  In general, you can follow along in bug 567417.

One of the large TODO items in getting the tests to run is actually fixing the tests which use UniversalXPConnect.  So my approach was to grep through a mochitest tests/ directory for @mozilla and parse it out.  With a few corner cases, this resulted in a full list of services we utilize from our tests (here is a sorted list by frequency 76 total services.)  Cool, but that didn’t seem useful enough.  Then I took my work that I have done for filtering (the json file) and cross referenced that with my original list of tests that use UniversalXPConnect.

Now I have a list of 59 services which all should pass in Fennec (a mozilla-central build from 2 weeks ago on n900) along with the first filename of the test which utilizes that services!

What else would be useful?

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accessing privileged content from a normal webpage, request for example

One project which I am working on is getting mochitests to run in fennec + electrolysis.  Why this is a project is we don’t allow web pages to access privileged information in the browser anymore.  Mochitests in the simplest form use file logging and event generation.

The communication channel that is available between the ‘chrome’ and ‘content’ process is the messageManager protocol.  There are even great examples of using this in the unit tests for ipc.  Unfortunately I have not been able to load a normal web page and allow for my extension which used messageManager calls to interact.

I think what would be nice to see is a real end to end example of an extension that would demonstrate functionality on any given webpage.  This would be helpful to all addon authors, not just me:)  If I figure this out, I will update with a new blog post.

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filtering mochitests for remote testing

One major problem we encounter in running all our unittests on Fennec is the large volume of failures and how to manage them.  Currently we have turned off mochitests on the Maemo tinderbox because nobody looked at the results (we still run reftest/crashtest/xpcshell!)

In many of my previous posts, I outlined methods for running tests remotely and that has proven to be very useful.  In order to test this code and continue developing it (without windows mobile or a working android build yet), I have developed a simple python test-agent that can run on a linux box (including n900.)  If you are curious, check it out and watch tests run remotely…it is pretty cool.

So the real problem I need to solve is how to not run a list of tests on a mobile device.  Solving this could get us to green faster and reduce the mochitest runtime in half!

In 2008 my solution was Maemkit.  Maemkit is just a small wrapper around the python test runner scripts that does some file (renaming) and directory (splitting into smaller chunks) manipulation to allow for more reliable test runs.  This has worked great and still works.  Enter remote testing and we need to hack up Maemkit a lot to accommodate for everything.  In addition a lot of the work maemkit does is already in the test runners.

Today I have moved the filtering to be a bit more configurable and less obscure.  This is really just a prototype and toolset to solve a problem for me locally, but the idea is something worth sharing.  What I have done is built up a json file (most of this was done automatically with this parsing script) which outlines the test and has some ‘tags’ that I can filter on:

     "fennec-tags" : {"orange": "", "remote": "", "timeout": ""},
     "name" : "/tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_tooltip.xul"
     "fennec-results" : {"fail": 0, "todo": 0, "pass": 51},
     "name" : "/tests/MochiKit_Unit_Tests/test_MochiKit-Async.html",
     "note" : []

You can see I now can run or skip tests that are tagged ‘orange’ or ‘timeout’. Better yet, I can skip tests with fennec-results that match fail > 0 if I want everything to be green.

So I took this a bit further since I wanted to turn these on or off depending on if I wanted to run tests or to investigate bugs, and I allowed for a filter language to be parsed in mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/setup.js.  I then modified my runtestsremote.py (subclass of runtests.py) so when launching mochitest from the command line I could control this like:

#run all tests that match the 'orange' tag
python runtestsremote.py --filter='run:fennec-tags(orange)'

#skip all tests that have the timeout tag
python runtestsremote.py --filter='skip:fennec-tags(timeout)'

#skip all tests that have failures > 0
python runtestsremote.py --filter='skip:fennec-results(fail>0)'

You should now see the power of this filtering and that with some more detailed thinking we could have a powerful engine to run what we want.  Of course this can run on regular mochitest (if you take the code in this patch from runtestsremote.py and add it to runtests.py.in) and run all the orange tests in a loop or something like that.

As a note, I previously mentioned a parsing script.   With some cleanup you could automatically create this json filter file based on tinderbox runs and fill in the tags to identify scenarios like orange (failing sometimes), timeouts, focus problems, etc…

Happy filtering!

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patches checked in, tests can run on windows mobile!

My previous posts on the status of winmo automation outlined a series of patches to land. I am proud to say all of those have been reviewed (thanks to everybody), have landed (thanks ctalbert for checking these in) and with the help of this buildbot shim script are running very well!

So some highlights of what works:

  • Mochitest: runs great on the phone, and we use the –total-chunks and –this-chunk options so we don’t run out of memory. Right now I am testing it with –total-chunks=20, but suspect we can go a bit lower. As another note, the overhead to restart the phone, install the build, load the browser, and start the tests is 7.5 minutes on my HTC touch pro
  • Reftest/Crashtest/JSreftest: all of these run great. We need to run smaller manifest files though as after about 800 files on my device the tests come to a halt and execute maybe 1 test every few minutes. Luckily these run with manifest files so we can easily create a few manifests and have a working solution
  • Xpcshell: this is pretty straightforward. I don’t see any problems running this end to end as the harness by design only runs one case at a time. As a note, this is the only test harness that copies over the test files to the phone.
  • shim script: this turns on the webserver on your local IP so we can access it from the phone, as well as a bunch of other setup, monitoring and cleanup tasks. It would be nice to move the webserver functionality into the remote harness scripts in the near future so developers can easily run from a build tree
  • sutagent: this is actually the backbone of these tests. This tool runs on the phone and has come a long way over the last few months. This agent is a product of blassey and bmoss. The next steps here are to get the code checked into one of our source trees.

There are a few things we want to clean up, but overall we are at a great milestone on this project and ready to start rolling this out.

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making the most of unittests on a phone

As we get closer to having unittests running on windows mobile, I am starting to wonder how long it will take to complete a test run. Just like maemo with the n810’s we will be running the tests in parallel, but can we see full build + test + results in < 8 hours for a nightly?

For desktop builds, we have an enormous amount of building and testing that we do. This means we would be running tests for about 512 checkins/month (just less than 1/hour) and double that if we wanted to include the try server.

What I propose doing is running a small set of unittests on each checkin, such that we get simple coverage on each build and it runs fast enough so we have results in the same time window as our other test data comes in for desktop tests. Right now when you check into m-c or 1.9.2 tests are only run on desktop builds, this would run tests on windows mobile as well.

The big question is what tests to run. Here are a couple ideas:

  1. Run a small smoketest for each test suite (reftest, mochitest, xpcshell) which covers different areas, but not as in depth. Save the full test for the nightlies
  2. Iterate through a series of chunks (say 30 chunks for mochitest; desktop builds split it 5 ways) and for each checkin just run a single chunk. After the course of 2 days we will have done a full cycle of little chunks.

Personally I like the second option best, but really I am trying to think out of the box for ways to reduce regression windows while getting feedback on a per checkin basis. What do you think?

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Filed under general, testdev

updated status of the winmo automation project

A couple weeks ago, I posted an initial status of the winmo automation project. Here is an update of where we are.

Only a few patches have landed since the last update, but a lot of reviews have happened. Great progress has been made to resolve some of the unknown issues with running xpcshell and reftest remotely and everything is truly up for review. I expect next week at this time to have a much shorter list of patches.

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More info on the localhost->mochi.test change

This is just another public service announcement about the upcoming change to the unit tests. Last week I wrong about ‘mochi.test is the new localhost’, and this week I am reiterating that with more details.

After some feedback on the bug for this, we now have these options available:
* mochi.test
* moztest

With these options for referencing data in a test, you should be able to cover all the different networking scenarios that need testing. Keep in mind that mochi.test is the primary host and if you are posting a message to the parent window, the default domain is mochi.test, not localhost.

There is one other scenario where you need to get the real ip address of the server and this can be done with code like this:
var ios = Cc[“@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1”].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
var pps = Cc[“@mozilla.org/network/protocol-proxy-service;1”].getService();
var uri = ios.newURI(“http://example.com&#8221;, null, null);
var pi = pps.resolve(uri, 0);
var host = “http://&#8221; + pi.host + “:” + pi.port;

From all the tests, test_prompt_async is the only test that needs this type of solution.

When we start running tests on windows mobile using the remote webserver, there won’t be any other changes needed other than what is mentioned above. Look for a demo from Clint at an upcoming Monday meeting.

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